
时间:2020-09-17 14:16:50 经典台词 我要投稿



  John, I am ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. But as I am apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion. Actually, now I can.


  John, you have endured war and injury and tragic loss, so sorry again about that last one, so know this-today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved. In short, the two people who love you most in all this world, and I know I speak for Mary as well when I say, we will never let you down. And we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.


  Now onto some funny stories about John. So for funny stories on has to look no further than John’s blog. The record of our time together. Of course, he does tend to romanticize things a lot, but then you know he’s a romantic. We’ve tackled some strange cases, The Hollow Client, The Poison Giant We’ve had some frustrating cases. Touching cases. And of course I have to mention the elephant in the room. But we want something very particular for this special day, don’t we? The Bloody Guardsman.....


  I probably should have told you about the elephant in the room. However, it dose help to further illustrate how invaluable John is to me.


  I can read a crime scene the way he can understand a human being. I used to think that’s what made me special, quite frankly I still do. But a word to the wise, should any of you require the services of either of us, I will solve your murder, but it takes John Watson to save your life. Trust me on that I should know, he’s saved mine so many times and in so many ways.


  I have never made a vow in my life, and after tonight I never will again. So, here in front of you all, my first and last vow. Mary and John, whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on, I swear I will always be there, always, for all three of you.


  Marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can't imagine.


  You are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away.


  The one person he thought didn't matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most.











